
site updates

Working on getting my sites together! They're all up but there needs to be some fine-tuning

My write.as subscription ends next year and I have zero plans to renew. I'll still keep the main blog (possibly find a way to embed onto .minna) but I've already moved all my posts to either my omg.lol account or onto an archive write.as blog. Me buying a lifetime license of omg.lol costs less than I would pay for another 2 years lmao. If I need more persistent accounts, omg.lol is cheaper in the log run.

So far WHP has been pretty good (other than the whole "can't hotlink for shit even when you turn off the hotlink protection") but there are ways around it (I'm giving zero fucks that I'm using the bandwidth of someone I'm meh about lol).

This is also a gentle reminder to myself that I should put a post on dreamwidth lol

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